Language is power – offensive language should not become commonplace 17.6.2024 Lukuaika6 min Maahanmuutto ja kulttuurinen moninaisuus, Yhdenvertaisuus We must continue challenging outdated attitudes and prejudices to create a more inclusive and equal society. One recent example sparked... Lue lisää Language is power – offensive language should not become commonplace Mona Eid Anna Kanninen Rut Nordlund-Spiby
The emphasis of the new national strategy for rare diseases is on strengthening the knowledge base and structures 11.3.2024 Lukuaika4 min Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämisen johtaminen, Hyvinvointi- ja terveyserot, Toimintakyky The new national strategy for rare diseases 2024–2028 has been published. Lue lisää The emphasis of the new national strategy for rare diseases is on strengthening the knowledge base and structures Satu Wedenoja Anna Kanninen Iiro Toikka
The implementation of codes for rare diseases in healthcare is a huge leap towards better treatment and research 14.4.2023 Lukuaika7 min Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämisen johtaminen, Hyvinvointi- ja terveyserot, Toimintakyky Rare diseases is a new concept in the field of medicine. At the level of the EU, awareness of the challenges posed by rare diseases began to grow at the beginning of the 21st century. Lue lisää The implementation of codes for rare diseases in healthcare is a huge leap towards better treatment and research Satu Wedenoja Iiro Toikka Anna Kanninen